How much time do you spend listening to, watching or reading the news? I would imagine that many of us log in hours each day keeping pace with the news of the day – locally, nationally, and internationally, even though most of the news is bad.
I believe that in this glut of bad news, people are hungry for good news. And there is good news. In fact, the word “Gospel” means good news. It is the news that God looked at the people He loved, knew that they could never attain righteousness by their own doing that would allow them relationship with Him. He saw them in desperate need of forgiveness and healing. And so God lovingly and proactively sent His son to live a perfect life and suffer a shameful death in our place so that we might receive forgiveness and an entirely new identity. We are no longer sinners but saints. We are no longer hollow, empty, broken people but God has made us holy. We are no longer people without God but we are THE people of God. This is good news and it must broadcasted to the world.
Esteemed author Marilynne Robinson wrote of the sad predicament with this insight: “I have a theory that the churches fill on Christmas and Easter because it is on these days that the two most startling moments in the Christian narrative can be heard again.”
Tullian Tchividjian says, “The gospel grants us the strength to admit we’re weak and needy and restless – knowing that Christ’s finished work has proven to be all the strength and fulfillment and peace we could ever want and more.”
The gospel is good news. It is not as someone said, “One good person telling another good person how to be better.”
Listen, Christianity isn’t about turning over a new leaf; it’s receiving a new life. And my dear friends, that’s good news and it must be broadcast all over the world.