2019 has been a great year. From baptisms to ministry events to guest speakers, to outreach events within our community. our Sunday morning experiences have also been amazing. There has been so much to celebrate. But as we look at the things that happen in the life of our church, let’s never forget that the “unseen” is what we should really be celebrating. What God is doing in us and through us behind the scenes, as a collective body, is what really matters.
The “unseen” is what we should really be celebrating. What God is doing in us and through us, behind the scenes, as a collective body, is what really matters.
Jesus is building His Church, and the unique purpose and mission that we have here together at HVC of Leading people into intimacy with Jesus, as we partner with Holy Spirit to release them into a Kingdom lifestyle, is beginning to take hold. It’s not happening without pain and challenge and even a little confusion at times, but it is happening.
As our pastoral staff has been praying and meeting over the past few weeks, we are all united in what we believe God is building into us. The page is being turned and a new chapter has begun. God is re-defining what true belonging and family needs to look like for us to be successful as a local church.
God is re-defining what true belonging and family needs to look like for us to be successful as a local church.
I had a dream several weeks ago that I haven’t really processed until today. In my dream, I saw a row boat moving down a river. It was not like any other boat though. It was a stretch limousine style boat, with hundreds of people sitting in the same direction and rowing at the same pace and cadence. It was passing smaller row boats which contained one, two, three and four people, at a rapid pace. I believe that this is the prophetic future for Heartland Vineyard Church.
As we continue to learn to row TOGETHER as family, and grow TOGETHER as family in the grace and knowledge of Jesus, I believe that we are going to see momentum that we have only caught glimpses of in our 30 year history.
This new way of life is way bigger than what we will ever experience on a Sunday morning. It is much larger than a ministry, person, event or sermon. Where we are going, and what we are doing as individuals is small in comparison to what God wants us to experience together as a church family. 1 Corinthians 12:12-31.
There are not titles for everyone at HVC, but trust me when I say this… THERE IS A PLACE FOR EVERYONE AT HVC! The table has been set and God is calling us all to join him TOGETHER on a great adventure. He has mind blowing plans for each of us, as we fully grasp that we aren’t meant to do life in isolated silos where trust and intimacy and honesty is lacking.
There are not titles for everyone at HVC, but trust me when I say this… THERE IS A PLACE FOR EVERYONE AT HVC!
We are living in a time when we need each other more than ever. Our world is decaying at a rapid pace. It is time for the local church to emerge as we stand tall and confident together in who we are as sons and daughters of the king! Whether you are a school teacher, ministry leader, plumber, student or a stay at home mom, understand that your life and calling is bigger than yourself and your role in our church family matters.
Steph and I and our staff look forward to living life alongside of you this year as Holy Spirit calls us to new things and big dreams.
Love you all,
Josh Paxton
Lead Pastor