A little bonus blog this week as we get ready to move into the weekend.
I have been encouraged BIG TIME this week as I’ve talked to many of you who’s eyes are so set on those who who you know need a special touch from Jesus this Christmas. Not only are you talking about it… you’re responding. It flat out just pumps me up!
I love this mindset. It is a kingdom mindset! As followers of Jesus, generosity is part of our new DNA. Because we are right with God, our eyes no longer need to be on ourselves. As Nicki Reeves taught last Sunday… “He is the lifter of our chin” . What a privilege it is to represent Jesus in our community with our chins up looking for opportunities to respond to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
I heard a story once about a guy that would carry one hundred dollar bills in his pocket all year round. He would give them out as the Holy Spirit led. This man is still doing this today actually. He has literally given out thousands upon thousand of dollars all for the sake of the kingdom. What a beautiful model of generosity. It has become part of his life. It’s not a drag for him to give… just the opposite actually. It is compassion that fuels him. The love he has received is the love that he desires to give.
Like this man, we are so blessed! He has been so good to us! As we sow love into people’s lives this holiday season, the Kingdom of darkness shivers and quivers as heaven rejoices.
I want to encourage all of you who read this blog to take a risk this weekend. Find someone at Wal-Mart or Target as you are shopping and/or within our church family as we worship together on Sunday. Drop a wad of cash in their pocket or a gift card and bless them in the name of Jesus.
It is in Him that we live and move and have our being. What a joy it is to be IN Christ.
As we give, we are simply responding to His goodness, provision and empowering presence in our lives!