I’m not a big fan of performance-based Christianity. We don’t do in order to measure up. We do because we measure up! We are accepted by Him! God can’t love you any more than He already does and that will never change! You are His peculiar treasure, and His thoughts toward you are precious and innumerable.
So here’s how it’s supposed to work. Focus on Him. Rest in His unwavering love. Serve With the mindset that you are a child of God and that you are glorifying Him in everything you do!
Doing anonymous or little-noticed things for Jesus is like whispering, “I love You” in His ear and doing it in the context of community makes it all the more sweeter!
Some of my most favorite memories involve serving with the various small groups I have been involved with over the past 4 years here at HVC. I love all things small group but powerful stuff happens when we serve together! Serving together has strengthened my faith and has helped Steph and I and our boys Max and Cooper forge lifelong relationships. It has been through serving our church that we have found our way back into family after spending nearly 10 years in Des Moines. It’s been awesome!
So…I have an opportunity for you that I think you will be excited about. It is an opportunity that will allow you to serve our church with your family and/or small group and it won’t take a lot of time.
Because of the amount of land we own, it is a bear to maintain. Instead of trying to organize several large cleanup events, which we have done for the past several years, we thought it would be neat if friends/families/small groups had the opportunity to adopt an island that they would make a commitment to maintaining throughout the rest of this year as a group on their schedule.
There are 11 islands of various shapes and sizes that we are putting up for adoption. All will need a modest amount of maintenance (Bush trimming, weed pulling, curb sweeping). I’ve provided some visual references below for you to take a look at. If this sounds like something you’d like to be involved with, please pick the island you’d like to adopt and contact Drew Hektoen at 319-464-0931 so he can get you up and running. Thanks in advance for all your hard work! I’m looking forward to seeing little clusters of people serving together throughout the summer here on our property.
To adopt this island contact Drew Hektoen at 319-464-0931.
To adopt this island contact Drew Hektoen at 319-464-0931.
To adopt this island contact Drew Hektoen at 319-464-0931.
To adopt this island contact Drew Hektoen at 319-464-0931.
To adopt this island contact Drew Hektoen at 319-464-0931.
To adopt this island contact Drew Hektoen at 319-464-0931.
To adopt this island contact Drew Hektoen at 319-464-0931.
To adopt this island contact Drew Hektoen at 319-464-0931.
To adopt this island contact Drew Hektoen at 319-464-0931.
To adopt this island contact Drew Hektoen at 319-464-0931.
To adopt this island contact Drew Hektoen at 319-464-0931.