Here’s the cool stuff from KidZone this morning…
Amber C. came up and helped me teach on Faith. And when I say help, what I really mean is that she took over and I just sat back and watched. The lesson was on Faith and I pulled out baking soda, vinegar and a glass. Amber went on to teach the lesson: We are the baking soda, Jesus is the glass. We have to pour ourselves into Him, and have faith that he will do cool things. At which point she pulled the vinegar out and poured it in the glass and the mixture exploded and overflowed. Amber wrapped up the lesson by explaining that when we are in Jesus and have faith – really cool things happen.
Then we broke into our small groups and we continued talking about faith. We asked our kids if they have ever prayed for someone who was sick and if they had faith to believe that they were healed. Sydney W – who told about her grandfather having cancer – that they prayed for him but that he still died. She quickly went on to say that even though he didn’t get healed the way they wanted – that now he was in heaven with Jesus and that he was taking care of miscarried babies.
Then Amber shared about her sister – Elizabeth and her cousin – Lyric. She said that they prayed for them when they went missing and that they believed Jesus would protect them and bring them back, but he didn’t. She went on to say that it was ok, because now they are dancing with Jesus.
Rylee T. shared about how baby Leeland’s hole in his heart got healed! And that it took faith to believe…
Needless to say – Johan and I have been reflecting on our time in KidZone all day. It is amazing to get to play a role in the lives of these young leaders. They truly are amazing kids, with amazing parents. Johan and I felt as if we were the ones being taught by them, instead of us teaching them. These are kids who are fearless to have faith and believe that God can do what he says he can. They are kids who believe that God can do really cool things. But they are also kids who are able to trust and find peace – even when God doesn’t answer their prayers the way they had wanted – they know that God is still good and still loves them!