My wife Christie and I have been attending Heartland Vineyard Church for a few months. Since joining the church we have had an overwhelming desire to serve the Lord in any way we can. I have found that Street Ministry put me on the right path by allowing me to share Gods love with others.
About two months ago my wife and I were invited by Todd and Joani to join the Street Ministry group that upcoming Thursday evening. Todd had told us to be aware and on guard, because the enemy will try to keep us from coming, but he told us if we did come that our Father in Heaven would show us how great and powerful His love truly is. Well both of those things happened!
Our first night out we met a young lady that has been through much, much more than I could ever imagine. From the passing of her brother to a son that had battled cancer and no support to get her through these very hard times. When our group prayed for her and offered groceries it seemed to be a real eye opener as to how the Lord works and can touch not just those who are being prayed for, but also those who are praying. I stood back and listened to people’s stories and just felt “I need more.” That had to be the Lord saying, this is right, spread my love and in return I will fill your heart with joy like you’ve never felt before.
Since that evening I have made a commitment to myself, to my wife, to my family and to my GOD that this is right where I need to be every Thursday.
My wife Christie and I have met some great new friends through Street Ministry and plan to meet many more. We love being with such a diverse group of people from children to college students and families to seniors. Spreading the love of JESUS has no age limit.
We have been surprised by the willingness of people to receive prayer in the various neighborhoods throughout the Cedar Valley. That says they are hungry for a relationship with God. And that’s why we need to go to them. It’s the mission Jesus has commissioned us into in Matthew 28:19.
Doing Street Ministry has been a life changing experience for my whole family. I would love to see you come join us Thursday nights.